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Who is your current business energy provider?

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How much is your current monthly bill per month?

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We are searching the market for the best available deals

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Do you take card payments?

We work with over 150 card payment providers and can help you negotiate a better rate.

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Congratulations! You are eligible.

Congratulations! You are eligible.

Why Use Switcheroo?

Search & Compare With Ease!

Comparing with Switcheroo is easy. Simply enter your postcode and any relavant details and we'll show you all the best deals in a matter of seconds.

Switching Is Just Like Magic!

Our free comparison platform takes all the hassle out switching to a better provider. We do all the work and keep you updated along the way.

Kind To Your Bank Account!

At iLoveSavings, we handpick the very best deals from the UK's greatest providers offering monthly prices that are cheaper than anywhere else.